Technical Specifications and Rules
1.0 Robot Construction Rules
1. The dimension of the robot must be within 25cmx 25cmx 40cm (length x width x height) and the allowed maximum weight is 2kg.2. The robot power supply must be internal (no external power is allowed) and the maximum voltage between any pair of points inside the
robot cannot exceed 24V at any time. No internal combustion engine will be allowed.
3. The robot should not split into two or more units. Robots must be singular in form. Secondary robots or self-propelled devices that
detach themselves from the main robot will not be allowed.
4. The robot should have a clearly indicated START switch. Once the robot is switched on it should be able to be controlled by the
5. The robot may not under any circumstances, present a hazard to the judges, spectators or the opposing operator(s).
6. The robot in its operation may cause damage only to opposing robot or their combat surface. Any vehicle that imperils the viewing areas
will be ruled ineligible for competition.
7. The robot can’t be damaged to the arena surface or the protective fence around the arena or the combat instrument operate inside the
8. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for any damage occurred to any participating robot during the competition.
9. All entries must conform to the general rules of the facility and the event.
10. All vehicles will be subjected to a technical inspection prior to combat. Failure to disclose operating principle will be grounds for
immediate disqualification.
11. The Judges may restrict any function deemed excessively hazardous.
12. Robots with signal jamming functionality are not allowed.
13. Liquids may not be used in combat situations. If any substance coming from a robot that, in the opinion of the judges, cannot be
completely cleaned after combat, the robot will then be declared ineligible.
14. Radio controlled robots entered it should be able to operate in a way to avoid radio frequency conflict or have a digital transmitter
capable of non-conflicting frequencies (or an R/C tether combination).
2.0 Battle Rules
1. The opponent will be decided by a raffle draw in each round.2. The competition will be a knockout match.
3. The team will disqualify if it is not present on the call.
4. Maximum time for a match will be five minutes.
5. The arena will be a circle in shape.
6. If two opponents are fighting well and unable to defeat the opponent during the given time winner will be decided by a toss.
7. Both robots are disqualified if they are not fighting and wandering purposely in the arena.
8. There will be 20 min break between each round of the battles, during that time participant can repair their robots. (Participant
are expected to bring spare parts and required tools for the repair operations, Organization committee only provide space for
the repair operations)
Note: The Judges’ decision is final and the above rules can be changed as per their decision
3.0 The Arena Design
1. A team may consist of a maximum of 5 members.Registration
Registration deadline: On/before 30th November 2018.
Register through online by filling this google form.
(Google Form URL)
Contact Details
Ranjan Kulathunga (Makerspace Coordinator-American Corner Kandy)071-5449135
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